About Me

Whether you are a college student on a budget or a parent cooking for your kids, this blog has all the easy tips and tricks you need to make affordable, healthy, and delicious meals.  All my recipes are gluten-free and low-FODMAP friendly!


After six months of rigorous medical testing and countless days of stomach pain, my doctor sighed, “Fructose malabsorption—it’s a digestive disorder, and the only known fix is a highly complex elimination diet.” I was intimidated by the FODMAP diet, which completely restricted onion, garlic, apples, dairy, and gluten, to name a few. As a foodie, life on the FODMAP diet became frustrating, and eating out became nearly impossible.

However, as a scientific researcher and pre-medical student at the time, I started to see how my diagnosis may actually be a unique opportunity. Curious about FODMAP, I turned to the scientific literature. In the early 2010s, scientists at Monash University in Australia measured levels of fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monomers, and polyols (FODMAPs) in hundreds of foods, developing an effective regimen for bowel inflammation reduction. The FODMAP diet is complicated, seems nonsensical, and, despite its acclaimed results, is not easily accessible to the average patient. Like many others facing this diagnosis, I was desperate for a manageable prescription.

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FAST FACTS: FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharaides, and Polyols. Essentially, these are all types of small-chain carbohydrates that break down poorly in a sensitive gut. This diet, created by our favorite researchers in Australia over a decade ago, is the next big nutritional trend since the gluten-free and paleo diets. People with functional digestive issues like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) often start the FODMAP diet. It is very strict, but patients only stay on the diet for 6-8 weeks to cleanse their system then begin to reintroduce foods to see what they can tolerate. A strictly low FODMAP diet avoids gluten, dairy, onion, garlic, avocado, orange juice, agave, honey, apples, beans, and more.

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To simplify FODMAP, I analyzed the diet and created this routine-oriented, cost-effective recipe blog for patients like myself (now with over 90 recipes)! Over a few months, not only did I notice a complete transformation in my own health, but I also watched my blog emerge as a resource for thousands of patients. The journey has been incredibly rewarding, and I hope to continue to share recipes and tips for similar patients who also face gut issues.

As a scientist and researcher by training, I aim to share the science behind healthy eating, break myths about health trends, and enhance accessibility to the FODMAP diet. Complimentary to my aspirations as a physician-scientist, I hope my work as a chef/recipe blogger and patient advocate continues to break the barriers which often divide science and its patients.

I realize the great need for FODMAP resources and am always seeking ways to develop tools like this for a broader audience! Please reach out if you would like to collaborate or have ideas: bonappetitlife@gmail.com

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Media and Interviews


The Strong Movement Spotlight 

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Project Happy Hearts Feature

4 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Sophie-
    Best of success with your blog. The more information available the better chance we have of healthy eaters….. which will lead to heathy and knowledgeable individuals. I will try to keep up on what you write.

    John Coleman (an uncle of JG Way)


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